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  1. Fenton TR, Alshaikh B, Kusuda S, et al. Birth weight and head circumference for 22-29 weeks gestation neonates from an international cohort. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. Published online January 6, 2025. Disponível em:
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  4. de Figueiredo Vinagre LE, de Siqueira Caldas JP, Martins Marba ST, Procianoy RS, de Cássia Silveira R, Santiago Rego MA, de Lima Mota Ferreira DM, Sales Alves Junior JM, Dos Santos JPF, Gimenes CB, de Mello E Silva NM, Conde Gonzalez MR, da Silva RPGVC, do Amaral Gomez DBC, do Vale MS, de Souza Rugolo LMS, Meneguel Ogata JF, de Albuquerque Diniz EM, Luz JH, de Almeida JHCL, de Souza MPA, Goncalves Ferri WA. Temporal trends in intraventricular hemorrhage in preterm infants: A Brazilian multicenter cohort. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2022 Jul;39:65-73. Disponível em:
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  7. de Almeida MFB, Guinsburg R, Weiner GM, Penido MG, Ferreira DMLM, Alves JMS, Embrizi LF, Gimenes CB, Mello E Silva NM, Ferrari LL, Venzon PS, Gomez DB, do Vale MS, Bentlin MR, Sadeck LR, Diniz EMA, Fiori HH, Caldas JPS, de Almeida JHCL, Duarte JLMB, Gonçalves-Ferri WA, Procianoy RS, Lopes JMA. Translating Neonatal Resuscitation Guidelines Into Practice in Brazil. Pediatrics. 2022 Jun 1;149(6):e2021055469. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-055469. PMID: 35510495. Disponível em:
  8. Caldas JPS, Montera LC, Calil R, Marba STM. Temporal trend in early sepsis in a very low birth weight infants’ cohort: an opportunity for a rational antimicrobial use. J Pediatr (Rio J).2021 Jul-Aug 97(4): 414-419 doi:10.1016/j.jped.2020.07.006.
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  9. Assad Gonçalves-Ferri W, Martinez FE, Martins-Celini FP, de Almeida JHCL, Procianoy R, Duarte JLMB, Carvalho EAA, de Lima Mota Ferreira DM, Alves Filho N, Santos JP, Gimenez CB, do Santos CN, Ferrari LSL, Venzon PS, Meneses J, do Vale MS, de Souza Rugolo LMS, de Almeida MFB, Krebs VLJ, de Albuquerque Diniz EM, Fiori HH, Marba STM. Evaluation of the effectiveness of antenatal corticoid in preterm twin and single pregnancies: a multicenter cohort study. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2022 Sep;35(18):3502-3508. doi: 10.1080/14767058.2020.1822806. Epub 2021 Jun 22. PMID: 34157931.
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  12. Rugolo LMSS, Bentlin MR, Almeida MFB, Guinsburg R, Carvalho WB, Marba STM, Almeida JHCL, Luz JH, Procianoy RS, Duarte JLMB, Anchieta LM, Ferreira DMLM, Alves Júnior JMS, Diniz EMA, Santos JPFD, Gimenes CB, Silva NMME, Ferrari LL, Silva RPGVCD, Meneses J, Gonçalves-Ferri WA, Vale MSD, Brine H, Weiner GM. Risk Perception and Decision Making about Early-Onset Sepsis among Neonatologists: A National Survey. Am J Perinatol. 2020 Dec 20. Epub ahead of print. Disponível em:
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  14. de Siqueira Caldas JP, Ferri WAG, Marba STM, Aragon DC, Guinsburg R, de Almeida MFB, et al. Admission hypothermia, neonatal morbidity, and mortality: evaluation of a multicenter cohort of very low birth weight preterm infants according to relative performance of the center. Eur J Pediatr. 2019;178:1023-32.
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  16. Guinsburg R, de Almeida MFB, de Castro JS, Gonçalves-Ferri WA, Marques PF, Caldas JPS, et al. T-piece versus self-inflating bag ventilation in preterm neonates at birth. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2018;103:F49-F55.
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  18. Martinez FE, Ferri WAG, Leone CR, de Almeida MFB, Guinsburg R, Meneses JA, et al. Early empiric antibiotic use is associated with delayed feeding tolerance in preterm infants: a retrospective analysis. J Pediatr Gastroenter Nutr. 2017;65:107-10.
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  19. Guinsburg R, de Almeida MF, de Castro JS, Silveira RC, Caldas JP, Fiori HH, et al. Death or survival with major morbidity in VLBW infants born at Brazilian neonatal research network centers. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2016;29:1005-09.
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  20. Dos Santos AM, Guinsburg R, de Almeida MF, Procianoy RS, Marba ST, Ferri WA, et al. Factors associated with red blood cell transfusions in very-low-birth-weight preterm infants in Brazilian neonatal units. BMC Pediatr. 2015;15:113
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  22. Souza Rugolo LM, Bentlin MR, Mussi-Pinhata M, de Almeida MF, Lopes JM, Marba ST, et Late-Onset Sepsis in very low birth weight infants: a brazilian neonatal research network study. J Trop Pediatr. 2014;60:415-21.
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  23. Sadeck LS, Leone CR, Procianoy RS, Guinsburg R, Marba ST, Martinez FE, et al. Effects of therapeutic approach on the neonatal evolution of very low birth weight infants with patent ductus arteriosus. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2014;90:616-23.
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  24. Gonçalves-Ferri WA, Martinez FE, Caldas JP, Marba ST, Fekete S, Rugolo L, et al. Application of continuous positive airway pressure in the delivery room: a multicenter randomized clinical trial. Braz J Med Biol Res. 2014;47:259-64.
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